Walcha’s existing skatepark will be tripled in size and add a half-court basketball court, seating, shade shelters, drinking fountains and other facilities.
Walcha Council
New England misses out in Disaster Risk Reduction Fund grants
Only three projects in the New England were successful in the latest round of grants from the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund.
Special rates variation applications to IPART now open for comment
Armidale, Liverpool Plains, Tenterfield and Walcha councils have all applied to significantly increase their rates, and their applications are now up on the IPART website with residents invited to comment.
Explainer: Your rates increase and the role of IPART
A number of councils in our area are applying to IPART for an SRV that will increase your rates… but what is IPART, what do they do, and how can you have your say?
Independent review of Winterbourne Wind project triggered
With submissions on the Winterbourne Wind EIS now closed, it is certain the large wind farm project near Walcha will need to pass an independent review to proceed.
Our roads part 3: it’s all about the money
As impressive as the $500m announcement was, the reality is that’s no guarantee that will be the amount spent on fixing our flood damaged roads. In this final part of our series, we look at how the money works.
Walcha Council fights to be included in ongoing Winterbourne Wind assessments
Renewable energy developments are dividing locals, but Walcha Council has unanimously voted to keep their voice heard in the ongoing assessment of the the Winterbourne Wind Project at an extraordinary meeting yesterday.
Our Roads part 2: Can we fix it? Yes we can.
In the second part of our investigative series, we look at whether our councils have enough staff and plant to fix the extensive damage to our roads.
Our Roads: A New England Times Investigation
In this three part series, the New England Times is having a deeper look at the state of our region’s roads: the repairs needed, whether our councils have the workforce and equipment they need, and whether the hundreds of millions on offer is enough.
Flood repair funding fast tracked
The NSW Government has fast tracked funding to local councils affected by flooding and wet weather, putting the cash into bank accounts sooner so the repairs can be done as soon as possible.