The Tamworth business community have had their say at the first of three Leader’s forums, delivered by Tamworth Business Chamber.
Tamworth Regional Council
Our Roads part 2: Can we fix it? Yes we can.
In the second part of our investigative series, we look at whether our councils have enough staff and plant to fix the extensive damage to our roads.
Our Roads: A New England Times Investigation
In this three part series, the New England Times is having a deeper look at the state of our region’s roads: the repairs needed, whether our councils have the workforce and equipment they need, and whether the hundreds of millions on offer is enough.
Flood repair funding fast tracked
The NSW Government has fast tracked funding to local councils affected by flooding and wet weather, putting the cash into bank accounts sooner so the repairs can be done as soon as possible.
Petition to make Moore Creek Road safer
A new petition to Tamworth Regional Council is asking for a footpath to be constructed alongside Moore Creek Road to address safety concerns.
Tamworth Regional Council moves to new home
Tamworth Regional Council’s Customer Service and Development Hub has officially moved to their new location at 474 Peel Street Tamworth today.
Applications open for Tamworth Youth Council and Radio programs
Expressions of Interest are now open for the Tamworth Regional Youth Council, and the Youth Radio Program, both run by Tamworth Regional Council.