Villages in New England could be a key battleground in the upcoming council elections, with some candidates seeking to take advantage of the resentment brewing
Ryan Brooke
Posted inLocal Government Elections 2024, Local politics, Tamworth
Greens candidates take aim at Tamworth’s rates hike
Tamworth Regional Council candidates Gemma-Lea Tolmie and Ryan Brooke started their campaign taking aim at the current Council’s proposed 36.3% Special Rate Variation
Posted inAgriculture, Environment, NSW Votes 2023
Climate 200 uses Liverpool Plains farmers to win city votes
Why are Climate 200 running videos featuring Liverpool Plains farmers when there are no teal candidates to vote for here?
Posted inNSW Votes 2023, Tamworth Regional
Meet the (other) candidates – Tamworth
So you’ve probably heard of Kevin Anderson and know a little bit about him, but who are all the other candidates on the ballot in the Tamworth?
Posted inNSW Votes 2023, Tamworth
Greens candidate remains optimistic for swings
Greens candidate for Tamworth Ryan Brooke says he’s running so there’s a more progressive candidate on the ballot.
Posted inNSW Votes 2023, Tamworth Regional
Tamworth ‘meet the candidates’ debate polite until Anderson takes cheap shot at unemployed
Last night’s election debate hosted by the Tamworth Business Chamber was dominated by predictable lines and polite audience applause, with no clear winner.