There are now 8 fires causing concern around Tenterfield, although only one – the Christies Fire in the Jennings/Wallangarra area – is still at Emergency Warning level
Evacuation centres established as fires surround Tenterfield
There are now 7 fires in the Tenterfield area with Emergency warnings, the greatest concern being the fire at Jennings/Wallangarra.
Multiple fire alerts for Tenterfield LGA
There are now four fires in the Tenterfield local government area at Emergency alert level, with a number of properties being threatened near Woodside, Jennings, and Tabulam.
Get Ready Weekend helping the New England to get ready for a bad fire season
Head to an event at your local RFS station this weekend of September 16 and 17 to find out what you need to do to get ready for the fire season.
18 year old volunteer fire fighter charged with breaking in to Tamworth RFS
An 18 year old volunteer firefighter has been charged following a series of break-ins to RFS stations in Tamworth, Duri and Loomberah last year.
Light rain overnight helps control Bundarra Fire
The Wearnes Road bushfire in the Bundarra area, 45k’s South West of Inverell, is still burning but is well controlled with light rain overnight assisting the efforts of the NSW RFS.