The NSW EPA has issued a clean-up notice to the owner of Mary’s Mount landfill near Gunnedah, following a fire that broke out last year.
Posted inEmergency management
Toxic smoke warning continues as EPA steps in to help with Gunnedah landfill fire
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is working with the owner of Mary’s Mount landfill near Gunnedah, in response to a fire that broke out in waste cells on the […]
Posted inArmidale, Environment
Fears for public safety as authorities fail to act on asbestos contamination near Armidale school
Asbestos contamination at O’Connor Catholic College has remained undealt with for almost a year, with no effort made to alert public to the risk or clean up the site, according to neighbours.
Posted inAgriculture, Environment
Farmers for Climate Action welcome NSW EPA plan to consider climate
Farmers for Climate Action has welcomed the release of the NSW EPA Climate Change Policy and Action Plan 2023-26.