NFF has welcomed a Labor proposal that would require mobile phone providers to provide service across all of Australia by 2027
Michelle Rowland
Albanese Government steals mobile funding from the regions to give to the cities
Outer areas of capital cities have been redefined as ‘rural and regional’ to redirect communications funding.
Safety fears delay 3G closure, users urged to upgrade
Telstra and Optus have delayed the 3G closure to launch a massive public safety campaign, after fears phones, alarms and medical equipment could be cut off.
More mobile network upgrades to improve emergency resilience
Hundreds more regional and remote communities will benefit from improved mobile network resilience through the latest round of funding under the Mobile Network Hardening Program
New mobile industry working group to support 3G switchover
The federal government has jumped to action half way through the shutdown of the 3G network after learning that hundreds of thousands of older 4G handsets would not be able to call 000 without the 3G network.
Mail to only be delivered every second day in huge Australia Post shake up
Huge reforms to enable Australia Post to boost productivity and increase its focus on parcels have been announced that spell the end of the daily postie.
$6m to expand the regional tech hub
NFF will continue as the operator of the innovative Regional Tech Hub, following a $6 million investment to expand the Hub’s work and reach.
Uncapped Skymuster Broadband available after successful trial
New Englanders unable to access fibre NBN can now order uncapped satellite broadband services, following a successful trial of NBN Co’s new Sky Muster Plus product
Federal Gov seeks local views on mobile network program
The federal government is seeking comment from regional Australians about how to make the mobile network more resilient.
Coulton confused about mobile black spot funding
Nationals’ Mark Coulton has claimed that Labor skewed mobile phone black spot funding to their electorates, but it appears the Member for Parkes may have got his programs mixed up.