Both Labor and the Coalition will drop the maximum price for PBS prescriptions to $25 in election promises
Mark Butler
More to do on Medicare and bulk-billing, Labor says
Making it cheaper to see a doctor is expected to feature prominently in Labor’s election pitch, with voters due to head to the polls by May at the latest.
Minister steps in to stop delay of new medicines
After a backlash from patients, Health Minister Mark Butler has stepped in to avert a plan to defer and delay dozens of new medicines.
Done: GP Single Employer Model confirmed to start next year
It has finally been confirmed that the Single Employer Model for GPs will be coming to the New England in 2024.
Local MPs concerned about 60 day prescribing
Local MPs Barnaby Joyce and Mark Coulton are concerned the budget measure to allow 60 day prescribing on some medications will have unintended consequences.
Joyce, farmers, critical of rural infrastructure cuts in next week’s budget
Barnaby Joyce and NSW Farmers have called for no cuts to regional infrastructure in the budget to be handed down next Tuesday.
Albanese Government breaks election promise on babies health
With their first year in office not yet done, the Albanese Government has broken a significant election promise about the health of newborn babies.
Federal Health Minister willing to fund ‘Single Employer Model’ for GPs in New England
Federal Health Minister Mark Butler has reiterated that they are willing to fund the ‘Single Employer Model’ that many hope will address the GP crisis in New England.
Taylor: We want Single Employer Model in all NSW now
A stoush has erupted between the New South Wales and federal governments over the Single Employer Model of GP training, with NSW Minister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor saying they want it in every health district in the state now.
AMA rates Tamworth as one of the worst hospitals
Only three out of 201 public hospitals across Australia are providing care within recommended timeframes, and none of the hospitals in the New England, according to a report by the AMA.