Women leading the way in New England: Part One
Of the 12 councils that elected mayors in October for their first two-year terms, six of them are women. Meet Margot Davis from Glen Innes, and Bronwyn Petrie from Tenterfield.
Of the 12 councils that elected mayors in October for their first two-year terms, six of them are women. Meet Margot Davis from Glen Innes, and Bronwyn Petrie from Tenterfield.
Glen Innes Severn’s newly elected Council convened for the first ordinary meeting this week, with hot topics on the table.
Get ready for an even bigger celebration as Christmas in the Highlands returns to Glen Innes in 2024.
Less than 24 hours after Kate Dight rolled Paul Harmon as Mayor of Inverell Shire, Margot Davis defeated Rob Banham to be elected Mayor of Glen Innes Severn... and Banham promptly quit council entirely.