Armidale, Walcha and Liverpool Plains councils have all had their rates increases approved, while Tenterfield Shire Council’s application was partially approved.
Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Seniors tech program to begin at Liverpool Plains Shire Council Libraries
Liverpool Plains Shire Council libraries have announced a new program for Seniors that want to learn about technology and how to use their devices beginning this Tuesday.
Have your say on the Werris Creek Library
Liverpool Plains Shire Council is encouraging the local community to assist with planning for the future by completing the Werris Creek Library Community Survey.
Should water management be handed back to the NSW State Government?
Comments by Premier Chris Minns and Water Minister Rose Jackson implied the state government may be considering ending local government management of water. Should they?
Blackville Road gets an upgrade
$2.92 million has been allocated towards the rehabilitation and maintenance of Blackville Road, West of Willow Tree on the Liverpool Plains.
Special rates variation applications to IPART now open for comment
Armidale, Liverpool Plains, Tenterfield and Walcha councils have all applied to significantly increase their rates, and their applications are now up on the IPART website with residents invited to comment.
Explainer: Your rates increase and the role of IPART
A number of councils in our area are applying to IPART for an SRV that will increase your rates… but what is IPART, what do they do, and how can you have your say?
New cotton gin proposed for Liverpool Plains
A proposal to develop a new cotton gin at the corner of Wandobah Road and Coonabarabran Road at Yannergee, south of Gunnedah, has been put forward by the people who own Carrol Cotton.
Our roads part 3: it’s all about the money
As impressive as the $500m announcement was, the reality is that’s no guarantee that will be the amount spent on fixing our flood damaged roads. In this final part of our series, we look at how the money works.
Our Roads part 2: Can we fix it? Yes we can.
In the second part of our investigative series, we look at whether our councils have enough staff and plant to fix the extensive damage to our roads.