The next community information session about the new mental health facility will take place today at 11am, at Tamworth Hospital.
Kevin Anderson
Community groups encouraged to apply for grants to upgrade infrastructure
The next round of the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants Program is open now.
Volunteers needed for Yallambee Homes board
Volunteers are needed to join the board of Yallambee Homes for the Aged in Gunnedah.
Alarm raised at Gunnedah Hospital plans being ‘rescoped’
Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson and Gunnedah Shire Council have raised alarm at changes to plans for the new Gunnedah Hospital.
Nationals vote to move Hunter gas pipeline
The National Party Conference held in Tamworth on the weekend carried a motion for the Hunter Gas Pipeline to be shifted off prime agricultural farming land.
Anderson pushes Manilla Viaduct heritage listing with Minister
The Manilla Viaduct’s potential heritage listing was high on the agenda in a meeting between Kevin Anderson and the Minister for Heritage Penny Sharpe.
Lengthy bans to keep hospitality workers safe in Tamworth
The Tamworth Liquor Accord have joined Kevin Anderson in calling for a safer working environment in hospitality venues.
Push to bring local control back to TAFE
Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson is continuing his push for greater local control and decision making in TAFE campuses across the New England Northwest.
Tamworth Intermodal freight facility operational by the end of the year
Work on the Tamworth Intermodal Freight Facility, within the Tamworth Global Gateway Park, is well underway, with the facility expected to be fully operational later this year.
Manilla Railway Viaduct being considered for heritage listing
Submissions are being invited by the Heritage Council of NSW who are currently considering listing the Manilla Railway Viaduct and Underbridge on the State Heritage Register.