Local MPs concerned about 60 day prescribing
Local MPs Barnaby Joyce and Mark Coulton are concerned the budget measure to allow 60 day prescribing on some medications will have unintended consequences.
Local MPs Barnaby Joyce and Mark Coulton are concerned the budget measure to allow 60 day prescribing on some medications will have unintended consequences.
Barnaby Joyce and NSW Farmers have called for no cuts to regional infrastructure in the budget to be handed down next Tuesday.
Barnaby Joyce and Mark Coulton have defended Inland Rail after the release of an independent report found massive cost blowouts.
NSW members of federal Parliament, including local Member for New England Barnaby Joyce, have scarfed up in support of Scouts NSW
The formal launch for the campaign against the Indigenous voice to Parliament only attracted a modest crowd of mostly older people in Tamworth last night.
New England community groups and local government organisations are missing out on accessing support from $4 billion in regional funding, according to federal MP Barnaby Joyce.
$150,000 in federal funding for projects in the New England is up for grabs in the latest round of Stronger Communities grants.
Work has begun on the duplication of Goonoo Goonoo Road between Jack Smyth Drive and Calala Lane in Tamworth.
A number of small grants have been given to important community services in our region to help improve their facilities and services.
Over $4 million has been granted to local airports, but Member for New England Barnaby Joyce is critical of how long it took to release the funding.