Hope is the Thing with Feathers, Wendy Cummins Exhibition
March 5 @ 9:30 am - March 30 @ 1:00 pm

Wendy Cummins is a multi-disciplined artist living on the northern beaches. She has always led an active, outdoor life finding connection, calmness and inspiration in the nature, which is evident in her work.
Wendy describes her practice as being drawing based. Her love of material and texture has resulted in the use of and exploration with many mediums including pencil, graphite, charcoal, watercolour, guache, ink and more.
Recently she is working with wool and textiles. She describes her process as drawing with wool; where layers of colour, line and texture build to create images and sculptures. Her work is slow, meditational and tactile and gives a strong and satisfying connection to both her work and the subject.
In ‘Hope is the Thing with Feathers’ Wendy presents a series of her wool ‘drawings’ alongside selected etchings. This exhibition will be showing in the Stockroom Gallery