While Labor’s lack of support in the New England is not exactly breaking news, the comments did reveal some interesting insights, that do align with last week’s finding that many locals feel the Nationals have abandoned us.
New look, same trusted expertise: New England Hydraulics and Diesel
They’ve built a reputation for delivering high quality service and creative solutions, and now have new look as they commit to a strong future delivering for New England.
Engage Poll: Is New England ready to dump the Nationals?
New England is National Party heartland, but the results of the latest New England Times Engage Poll indicate this love affair may be at risk of ending.
Engage Poll: Honesty with some communication skills, please
POLL RESULTS: New Englanders are most looking for honesty, a brain at work, and good communication skills when they consider which candidate to vote for in an election.
Engage Poll: Waste and wait laid bare in health
Unsurprisingly, New England Times Engage Poll found very consistent dissatisfaction with health services in the region.
Combining the highest quality workmanship with good old-fashioned service
If you’re in or around Armidale or Uralla, and find yourself in need of a plumber, Le Messurier Plumbing and Gas might just be the company you need on speed dial.
Engage Poll: Mixed feelings but keep going on renewables
New England Times Engage Poll found some mixed views on renewable energy around the New England, and not a lot of faith in what politicians are up to.
Flowers, cupcakes and gifts for every occasion at Rhubarb and Rosie
It’s that time of year again when finding that perfect gift is at the front of everyone’s mind. Have you heard of Glen Innes’ Rhubarb and Rosie?
Uralla’s Top Pub is Everybody’s Pub
Uralla’s Top Pub, named both for its hilltop location in the main street and its reputation for quality service, is an institution of the Uralla community. Their reputation for consistently […]
Ello’s Electrical gets it done
With dedication to his customers and a knack for completing jobs safely, correctly, and on time, Matthew Ellison of Ello’s Electrical has sparked success, earning the title of Best Electrician in The New England.