As impressive as the $500m announcement was, the reality is that’s no guarantee that will be the amount spent on fixing our flood damaged roads. In this final part of our series, we look at how the money works.
Sports facility upgrades on the way across the region
A number of grants have been announced that will see everything from new lights to new toilets installed at sporting facilities across the region.
4 mil for New England airports
Over $4 million has been granted to local airports, but Member for New England Barnaby Joyce is critical of how long it took to release the funding.
Inspiring young locals represent the New England on new youth taskforce
Tamworth’s Jack Lyon and Kentucky’s Katie Barnett have been appointed to represent the New England on the 2023 NSW Government Regional Youth Taskforce.
Our Roads part 2: Can we fix it? Yes we can.
In the second part of our investigative series, we look at whether our councils have enough staff and plant to fix the extensive damage to our roads.
Weird but true: NSW Government want to waive your traffic fines
In a clear indication that we are absolutely approaching an election, the NSW Liberals and Nationals have announced they’re going to refund fines issued to drivers for ‘low level offences’. But only after the election.
Make sure you use your ‘back to school’ vouchers before they run out
With the first term of the 2023 school year fast approaching, parents are being reminded to tap into several vouchers aimed at easing the cost of living for local families, including back to school vouchers.
New assistance for IVF patients
Women who have IVF or other assisted reproductive technology treatments in private clinics can now claim a $2,000 rebate in an Australian first.
Guyra Men’s Shed switches to solar
The Guyra Men’s Shed will be installing a new rooftop solar power system thanks to a State Government grant.
Regional job grants helping grow local business – next round open
The Regional Job Creation Fund has so far helped create over 500 jobs in the New England North West, and is set to create more with the next round of grant applications open now.