Master Builders Association of New South Wales, in partnership with the NSW Government, has launched a digital one-stop shop to attract, support and promote women in the building and construction industry.
Time to have the PPEP talk
It’s the PPEP talk students don’t know they need, but parents will be thanking Polly Levinson for giving it.
Glen Innes Hospital launches maternity services for pregnant women
A new collaborative model of care at Glen Innes Hospital will offer women continuity and personalised care from a known midwife, in partnership with a general practitioner (GP) obstetrician.
International Women’s Day: New Uralla Council GM brings inspiring enthusiasm
Strong women are the driving force of many of New England communities, and the new GM at Uralla Shire Council, Toni Avery, is a great example.
International Women’s Day: Local businesswoman who just keeps giving back
She describes her life as ‘a bumpy ride’ but no matter what is thrown at her, Joanna Dolan keeps on giving back.
International Women’s Day: Fiona Adams delivers more than $40m for our communities
If you were trying to figure out who has delivered more for the communities of New England than anyone else, Fiona Adams would have to be on the shortlist.
Women’s week grants closing soon
Local councils and community groups are being urged to apply for a NSW Women’s Week Grant by October 9.
Rural Women’s Gathering in November to celebrate strength
Women from across rural, regional and remote NSW can register now for the revamped 30th annual Rural Women’s Gathering.
Applications for immersive rural women’s leadership program now open
The National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC) is once again putting the call out to women across Australia to apply to attend their Rural, Regional and Remote Women’s Muster in Canberra.
Women wanted to advise government
Applications are open for up to 12 new members to join the new NSW Women’s Advisory Council. Each member of the new Women’s Council will play a key role in […]