Making it cheaper to see a doctor is expected to feature prominently in Labor’s election pitch, with voters due to head to the polls by May at the latest.
Call to “give migraine a break” as new medication heads to the PBS
Migraine Australia has launched a campaign calling for the nation’s leaders to “give migraine a break” after a new medication took more than five years to get approval to be listed on the PBS.
Retiring backbencher gifts a lump of coal for Christmas
A retiring Nationals backbencher known for his staunch opposition of a net-zero carbon emissions target has taken a swipe at his party leader on his way out the door.
One Nation loses last MP in NSW
Pauline Hanson has lost her last voice in the NSW parliament after her remaining MP quit her party over alleged funding issues.
Moree Plains Cr James alone in no confidence motion, award winning acting GM appointed
An attempted motion of no confidence in Mayor Susannah Pearse has spectacularly failed, in a meeting that unspectacularly revealed that the next acting GM of the Council is an award winning star financial manager fresh from Coffs Harbour.
Paramedic helicopter promise struggles for lift-off
Building one new helicopter base a year for three years to improve regional health care is proving far more difficult than first thought.
Election jobs on offer for the New England
The AEC is putting out a call across the New England for paid workers to help deliver Australia’s next federal election – due by May of 2025.
Electoral commission computer steals 2230 New England votes
Every local government election conducted by the NSW Electoral Commission did not have their votes counted properly, with 30% of the New England votes a computer deemed to be informal able to be saved and counted.
Confirmed: no approval for rail trail, line reactivation a possibility
The NSW Government owns the rail line, and they haven’t given anyone else permission to use it. Yet.
Rail Trail Fail: Armidale council leaders accused of deliberately hiding grant loss before election
The New England Rail Trail was a dominant issue in the lead up to, and during the recent local government election. The whole time the truth that the project had lost its funding was being hidden from voters.