The Greens NSW this week launched its plan to “empower coal workers and communities in the transition away from fossil fuels”, including banning the Narrabri Gas Project.
New England missing out on $4b: Joyce
New England community groups and local government organisations are missing out on accessing support from $4 billion in regional funding, according to federal MP Barnaby Joyce.
Two election forums planned for Tamworth
Two election forums have been announced for Tamworth as the contest for the NSW election heats up.
NSW Farmers to tour the region
Senior members of NSW Farmers will visit with local branches over coming weeks to discuss key issues ahead of the state election.
$15m for local roads and footpaths in the New England
Almost $15 million of a $500m funding pool for roads and community infrastructure like footpaths has been allocated to councils in the New England and North West.
Election regional issues debate offers few solutions
Over 50 people attended the NSW Farmers election debate in Armidale, where party representatives offered little in the way of solutions.
Yvonne Langenberg endorsed by Labor for Northern Tablelands
Owner of Boobooks and former nurse Yvonne Langenberg has been endorsed by the Labor Party as their candidate for the Northern Tablelands.
APVMA independent review abandoned on legal advice
It was revealed in late night hearing of Senate Estimates that the independent review of the culture of the Armidale-based Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has been abandoned on legal advice.
Councils call for bipartisan commitment to repair the roads
Local Government NSW have welcomed a Liberal and National pledge to inject $1b into the road network and are calling on all election candidates to make the same commitment. The […]
‘Farms of the future’ called out for LGA discrimination
Gwydir Shire farmer Martin Murray has called out the unfairness of only 11 local government areas being included in the recently announced Farms of the Future grant program.