43 of Toomelah’s 187 residents, only 6 of whom do not identify as Aboriginal, showed up to vote on September 14. Only 3 had their votes counted.
Local politics
Tamworth Regional Council election results
The Greens have been elected to the Tamworth Regional Council. So has a guy previously endorsed by an anti-vaxxer organisation. And a few other ideological viewpoints in between. Incumbents Bede […]
Narrabri Shire Council election results
A recount may not be out of the questions after a very unusual count in Narrabri saw 5 candidates elected on the last distribution
Moree Plains Shire Council election results
Moree Plains Shire Council will be very different going forward.
Inverell Shire Council election results
No surprises in Inverell, result is as it was on election night.
Liverpool Plains Council election results: Hawkins gone
In a shock result, Liverpool Plains Shire mayor Doug Hawkins has failed to be re-elected to council.
Gwydir Shire Council election results
Results of Gwydir Shire Council elections
Gunnedah Shire Council election results
The results of the Gunnedah Shire Council election are now available, with no significant surprises.
Glen Innes Severn Council election results
Just two new faces for Glen Innes Severn with all incumbents re-elected
Uralla Shire Council election results
Uralla is the one Council area in the New England not waiting for today’s distribution of preferences. Their council was already declared in August.