Tamworth local and Indigenous woman Loren Ryan has been crowned the 43rd Toyota Star Maker winner at the Tamworth Country Music Festival.
New artificial reefs to delight local anglers
Anglers across the region who like to pop down to the coast for a quick fish will soon benefit from two new offshore artificial reefs at Coffs Harbour and Ballina.
Extra mil for Inverell’s new aquatic centre
Inverell Shire Council has had a huge boost for the construction a brand new multi-million-dollar aquatic centre, with Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall announcing another $1.1 million for the project. This funding […]
Our Roads: A New England Times Investigation
In this three part series, the New England Times is having a deeper look at the state of our region’s roads: the repairs needed, whether our councils have the workforce and equipment they need, and whether the hundreds of millions on offer is enough.
Work begins on new Glen Innes hospital
Building of the new hospital and ambulance station for Glen Innes will start in just two weeks after Hutchison Builders won the tender for the major construction project.
Boost for Centacare to keep more youth on track
A new program will soon be launched to get young people at risk the support they need before they commit a crime.
Free preserving workshop in Uralla making waste reduction yummy
ZNET Uralla is holding a free ‘Summer Surplus’ preserving workshop coming up on Saturday 21 January at the Uralla Neighbourhood Centre.
Flood repair funding fast tracked
The NSW Government has fast tracked funding to local councils affected by flooding and wet weather, putting the cash into bank accounts sooner so the repairs can be done as soon as possible.
New factory brings 60 full time jobs to Inverell
The old Real Food Pet Factory on Swanbrook Road in Inverell has been reopened under new owners, Sapphire Nutrition, creating 60 full time jobs and boosting the demand for local produce.
Drones to help FRNSW fight bush fires
State-of-the-art colourised laser technology has been added to Fire and Rescue NSW’s fleet of drones, giving firefighters the ability to more accurately identify bush fire threats.