Almost 83 years after it was constructed, the Kentucky Memorial Hall will soon have a split system air-conditioning system installed, powered off-grid with a new battery for their solar power system.
‘Fires Near Me’ upgraded to include floods
The popular ‘Fires Near Me’ app has been upgraded to include flood information from the SES and renamed ‘Hazards Near Me’.
APVMA independent review abandoned on legal advice
It was revealed in late night hearing of Senate Estimates that the independent review of the culture of the Armidale-based Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has been abandoned on legal advice.
Councils call for bipartisan commitment to repair the roads
Local Government NSW have welcomed a Liberal and National pledge to inject $1b into the road network and are calling on all election candidates to make the same commitment. The […]
Battery powered trucks being trialed
Volvo has been given the green light to trial heavy duty battery electric heavy vehicles in Queensland.
Flat whites may be the healthiest coffee
How do you take your coffee? The answer may have a lasting impact on your health, according to new research.
Walcha Farmers’ Market on Saturday
The Walcha Farmer’s Market is on this Saturday, February 18, with a packed lineup of entertainment and stalls.
‘Farms of the future’ called out for LGA discrimination
Gwydir Shire farmer Martin Murray has called out the unfairness of only 11 local government areas being included in the recently announced Farms of the Future grant program.
Calls for rural health overhaul as uni debts wiped
A doctor or nurse practitioner who lives and works in rural and remote Australia will have their university fee debt wiped under new legislation, but NSW Farmers says that’s no silver bullet, and an overhaul of rural health is needed.
APVMA CEO ‘on leave’ until inquiry complete
The CEO of the Armidale based public service agency APVMA has taken extended leave and has been replaced by an executive from the Department of Agriculture while an independent review of the organisation is completed.