The Boomi pool will be closed over the winter while it undergoes a significant upgrade including repainting the pools.
Gravel n Granite bike race rides again
After an exceptionally successful first year in 2022, the Gravel n Granite Bike Race is set to return to Tenterfield this March.
Coulton confused about mobile black spot funding
Nationals’ Mark Coulton has claimed that Labor skewed mobile phone black spot funding to their electorates, but it appears the Member for Parkes may have got his programs mixed up.
Direct Tamworth to Melbourne, Sunshine Coast flights starting in May
New airline Bonza has today started selling flights from Tamworth to the Sunshine Coast or Melbourne, with flights starting in May.
Rodda: a change for Tamworth would do it good
“People are poorer for trusting the Nats,” says independent candidate for Tamworth Mark Rodda.
White ants to become dead ants in Tenterden
The 41 people that live in Tenterden will soon no longer be outnumbered by the white ants at Tenterden Hall.
Greens plan to shut down Narrabri gas project
The Greens NSW this week launched its plan to “empower coal workers and communities in the transition away from fossil fuels”, including banning the Narrabri Gas Project.
New England missing out on $4b: Joyce
New England community groups and local government organisations are missing out on accessing support from $4 billion in regional funding, according to federal MP Barnaby Joyce.
New mower for Uralla Showground
Keeping the much-loved Uralla Showground looking its best just got a whole lot easier for the local volunteer managers with a brand new ride-on mower.
Major upgrade for playground in Bingara
The ageing playground in Bingara’s CWA Park is set for a major upgrade.