Three new overtaking lanes south of Moree are now open thanks to a $261.1m investment providing safer and more efficient road journeys.
Inland Rail responds to community opinion
Community members now have an opportunity to find out how Inland Rail is responding to their submissions on the project.
Regional Telecommunications Review launches online consultation, report to be delivered next
An online consultation will be held on Tuesday 1 October 2024 by the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee as its final step in receiving feedback from the public on connectivity […]
Safer roads for Tamworth
People living in and around Tamworth will have a safer trip home with Daruka Road getting a much needed upgrade.
The journey of a landlord
Whether it’s your child, your pet, or your home you are handing over, trust and experience is a must. So, when it comes to looking for a property manager for […]
Local Business Highlight: Professionals Armidale
Ben Saxby is an experienced, award-winning, real estate agent with 15 years of industry experience and has a comprehensive understanding of the ever-changing real estate market in Armidale. Ben is a well-respected member of the business community and is currently on the National Board of the Professionals Real Estate group.