Whitehaven Coal Group 4 Rugby League is helping provide funds to outfit the teenage players in the Group 4 Development Program.
Local News
Tenterfield gets a new water treatment plan
Tenterfield Shire Council has recently completed construction of a new $9.6 million Water Filtration Plant.
Capture the Moment – The My Moree Photography and Videography Competition
Its time to scroll through your phone and find your most iconic images of the Moree Plains with the local photography competition now open.
“I picked a good city!”: Car trouble creates an unexpected connection
Kim’s car overheated, resulting in her stopping in Armidale, connecting with some lovely people, and making it her home.
New England Regional Art Museum nominated for two national awards
NERAM has been shortlisted for two awards at the 2024 Australia Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA) National Awards.
$4m Aboriginal Languages boost as new grant round opens
Aboriginal Languages are set to be revitalised with the announcement of more than $4 million to local communities.
TAS Sleepout shines a light into homelessness, domestic violence
TAS student sleep out as part of an ongoing campaign raising awareness and support for those in need in the local community.
Taronga Tin Project near Emmaville takes next step
Emmaville may soon have an active tin mine again, with the Taronga Tin Project taking the next step forward.
UNE Winter Graduation: Cold politics
NSW Premier Chris Minns spoke at UNE’s Winter Graduation Ceremony today. The speech was not the usual inspiring tale of the path from UNE graduand to success.
Tamworth’s Pirates and Magpies both seek Rugby Union grand final berths
Not one, but two Tamworth rugby union clubs will be shooting for grand final berths this weekend in the New England and Central Northern comps respectively.