Kootingal Roosters earned a berth in this Saturday’s Group 4 Under 18 Preliminary Final with a 32-nil win over North Tamworth.
Local News
Mustering Community Spirit at Delungra
Delungra is tackling it’s community needs with gusto thanks to a newly established group and the can-do attitude of four local women.
Steering students towards safer driving
Young drivers across the New England are getting a lesson in road safety & their role out on the road as the Young Driver Expo comes to town.
Rural Fit to roll out new high-technology approach to health in Narrabri
Some very high-tech new equipment is set to help bridge the gap between telehealth and face-to-face care in Narrabri
Moree takes centre stage for Chopsticks or Fork?
Next Thursday at Moree’ New Bo Wa will see the beginning of a celebration of the place honey chicken, sweet and sour pork, and chicken and cashew have on the lazy susan of Australian culture.
Gather at the Gwydir for food and fun
The third Grazing on the Gwydir is on this weekend, where Halls Creek meets the Gwydir River in Bingara.
Moree Plains: the winds of change
Susannah Pearse left the city for Moree 14 years ago because she felt there was a better way to do things.
Knitting with Resilience in Walcha
Walcha is knitting up a storm this month thanks to their latest initiative focused on resilience, community, and creating supportive networks
Level up with Group 4’s Development Program
Whitehaven Coal Group 4 Rugby League is helping provide funds to outfit the teenage players in the Group 4 Development Program.
Tenterfield gets a new water treatment plan
Tenterfield Shire Council has recently completed construction of a new $9.6 million Water Filtration Plant.