Are you concerned about roaming cats in your neighborhood? Are you a cat owner and not sure about your responsibilities? Then this article is for you.
Local News
Narromine to Narrabri Inland Rail Project receives Government Approval
Another step forward for Inland Rail with the Narromine to Narrabri (N2N) project receiving environmental approval from the Australian Government. It is welcomed news after a long delay for local communities.
More tools for local doctors to provide a sustainable and thriving healthcare sector
Doctor viability has been an area of concern nationwide but now there is a new initiative launching this month to help.
Gunnedah Council urban reseal program underway
Gunnedah residents are being urged to be patient as Council undertakes roadworks on 20 Gunnedah roads throughout the urban area.
Work begins on revitalisation of Moree’s Ron Harborne Oval
The first official sod of soil has been turned on a massive $1.9 million revitalisation of Moree’s home of sport, Ron Harborne Oval.
Who Let the Boats Out: NSW SES Launch Training Exercise in Armidale
More than 750 emergency service personnel have taken to waterways across the state today for the NSW State Emergency Service’s (SES) annual flood boat training exercise. Today our Armidale team got a chance to hone their skills.
Community Pleased to See Action for Moree’s Saleyards
The Moree Community is showing their support as the local council places Moree Saleyards up for new ownership. Moree Plains Shire Council is seeking an Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitable applicants who may be interested in leasing or purchasing the Moree Livestock Selling Centre.
Bejewelling Shakespeare’s Women on Display at Tamworth City Library
Attention Shakespear Lovers: An eye-catching new exhibition has commenced in Tamworth City Library today, with a highlight being an Author Talk at the end of the month.
Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA) Welcomes Financial Model Review
The Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA) has welcomed the announcement of a review into NSW Local Government financial sustainability, albeit with some reservations.
Inclusive upgrades at Kitchener Park complete
The playground at Kitchener Park in Gunnedah has received an upgrade to include new play equipment with accessible ramps, an inclusive swing set, and new connecting pathways