The memorial weekend has passed for another year, but the work of Friends of Myall Creek is ongoing.
Honouring a Great Leader, Aunty Yvonne Kent
The Tamworth community will gather to add their personal touch to a commemorative portrait in honour of the late Aunty Yvonne Kent on June 28.
Disrespect in Armidale Council as motion to recognise Indigenous owners voted down
Armidale Regional Councillors have voted down a motion to install acknowledgement signs for traditional landowners at a disruptive council meeting.
Flag raised for Reconciliation Week
Tamworth Regional Council held a flag raising event at Fitzroy Plaza yesterday to commemorate National Reconciliation Week.
Community to come together at Myall Creek Massacre memorial
People from around the country will once again gather on June 11 to remember the atrocities committed at Myall Creek in 1838.
New program in Inverell works towards Closing the Gap
Inverell is another step closer to closing the gap with Bandaar Walaaybaa Community Hub Aboriginal Corporation’s newest program launching today.
Crossing the bridge to Reconciliation in Armidale
Armidale ANTaR will once again host their annual bridge walk in celebration and commemoration of National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week on May 28.
Camp for local kids to connect to Gomeroi culture
Local youth have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Australia’s traditional owners at a three-day cultural and wellbeing camp to be held at Copeton Dam during the June long weekend.
Local Aboriginal Elders off to compete in Olympic Games
A team of twenty local Aboriginal Elders are off to Port Stephens next month to compete in the Aboriginal Elders Olympic Games
‘Gather and Trade’ market days for local Aboriginal art
Are you a local Aboriginal artist? Get ready for a series of local events to share your art with a wider audience.