Labor and Greens have announced a Murray Darling Basin deal to specifically target the Northern Basin for additional water buybacks.
‘Conservoltaics’: possible solution to land-use conflict in New England REZ
The Community Power Agency has secured a FRRR grant to coordinate the development of a Guide to Better Biodiversity on Solar Farms
Shenhua land in the Liverpool Plains returned to the people
Following the cancellation of Shenhua’s plans to mine on the Liverpool Plains, work is underway to regenerate the land for the benefit of the community and the environment.
Restoration project helping revitalise Tenterfield Creek back after devastating weather events
The OzFish Unlimited Northern Tablelands Chapter has started a series of restoration initiatives aimed at rejuvenating Tenterfield Creek.
Farm dams have hydro potential
New research suggests Australia’s agricultural water reservoirs could be an innovative energy storage solution for variable renewables.
Walcha’s waste warriors receive a boost
Walcha students are building their knowledge in waste management and now they have the funds to leave a legacy.
Push to replace Armidale wood heaters amid health concerns
Armidale Regional Council is seeking to replace wood heaters in 100 local households as part of a pilot program to improve air quality, as monitors warn air pollution in town is at an unhealthy level.
Swap your old yabby traps for a new lure at AgQuip to help fish habitat
Recreational fishers will have the chance to swap their old and unwanted opera house yabby traps for an Oar-Gee Plow lure at AgQuip to support sustainable fishing practices.
A healthier water future for the Namoi
The NSW Government has launched the Namoi Regional Water Strategy to pave the way for a safer, more secure and sustainable water supply for Tamworth and the Namoi over the next 20 years.
BOM issues El Niño alert; ski season in doubt
The Bureau of Meteorology says there is around a 70% chance of an El Niño developing this year, but it looks like the big dry is already threatening the ski season.