Volunteers needed to help New England’s struggling koala population
Inverell landowner Tanya Arentz is saving one koala at a time with WIRES and she’s putting the call out for other locals to do the same.
Inverell landowner Tanya Arentz is saving one koala at a time with WIRES and she’s putting the call out for other locals to do the same.
Glen Innes Severn Council has been awarded $145,500 under the NSW Government’s Go FOGO grants program to prepare for the implementation of a new food organics and garden organics (FOGO) collection service for residents.
The Federal Government's bullish return to the policy approach of water buybacks on the Murray Darling has failed to deliver the expected gigalitres, and been met with an alternative approach by the NSW Government.
Wee Waa residents have a new location to recycle their eligible bottles and cans with the opening of a new Return and Earn machine at the local Carlo’s IGA.
A controversial deal between Greens and Labor to take water away from farmers in our region for the environment has passed the Senate.
Labor and Greens have announced a Murray Darling Basin deal to specifically target the Northern Basin for additional water buybacks.
The Community Power Agency has secured a FRRR grant to coordinate the development of a Guide to Better Biodiversity on Solar Farms
Following the cancellation of Shenhua’s plans to mine on the Liverpool Plains, work is underway to regenerate the land for the benefit of the community and the environment.
The OzFish Unlimited Northern Tablelands Chapter has started a series of restoration initiatives aimed at rejuvenating Tenterfield Creek.
New research suggests Australia’s agricultural water reservoirs could be an innovative energy storage solution for variable renewables.