Now that the central mall is back to full and foot traffic is slowly increasing, attention is turning to the surrounding retail areas and new agents appointed to lease the Armidale Plaza.
General News
Access improved at Moree Historical Society
Moree & District Historical Society members have received a literal lift in recent weeks, the condemned main staircase at its museum headquarters replaced and a new access elevator installed.
Michele Bullock, Armidale local and new RBA governor
Michele Bullock was raised in Armidale, and studied economics at Armidale High School and the University of New England, graduating with honours.
Moree ratepayers offered payment plan for 12 month water bill
Moree Plains Shire Council will start billing ratepayers for water again, after a 12 month delay caused by new smart meters being faulty.
New ‘Rental Commissioner’ to give renters a voice
NSW renters will soon have a strong voice to government with the announcement today that sector leader Trina Jones will be the first NSW Rental Commissioner.
First look: New co-working space to boost ‘start-up’ culture in Moree
The Social Co House team is nearly ready to open the doors of the pristine new working space in Balo Street Moree.
Volunteer to Battle Social Isolation Among Older Persons
Oxley Community Transport Services, Tamworth and Liverpool Plains Shire’s trusted transport service, is excited to announce the launch of a new program funded by the Australian Department of Health and […]
Manhunt for smash and grab thieves at Inverell jewellery store
Two men have stolen thousands of dollars’ worth of jewellery and watches after smashing their way into D & G Jewellery less than a year after it opened.
New Projects to launch in Moree through the Small Business Fund
Moree Plains Shire Council’s inaugural Small Business Fund Pilot Program was a huge success with 20 applicants applying for a shared total of $20,000
Gymnastics championships come to Armidale next month
The best gymnasts from across the state will be coming to Armidale in July for the NSW Country Championships.