Gwydir Shire farmer Martin Murray has called out the unfairness of only 11 local government areas being included in the recently announced Farms of the Future grant program.

RK Crosby
RK Crosby is a broadcaster, journalist and pollster, and publisher of the New England Times.
Calls for rural health overhaul as uni debts wiped
A doctor or nurse practitioner who lives and works in rural and remote Australia will have their university fee debt wiped under new legislation, but NSW Farmers says that’s no silver bullet, and an overhaul of rural health is needed.
Glen Innes Pathfinders office closed ‘for the foreseeable future’
The Glen Innes office of local youth and families service provider Pathfinders will remain closed for some time due to the recent collapse of their office roof.
Is our mobile phone reception getting worse?
There’s been a noticeable spike in complaints about mobile phone reception across the New England, but the major telcos deny there’s any reason for it.
COVID-19 Omicron wave nearly done as local cases drop below 1000
Recorded cases of COVID-19 have dropped and are stabilising at low levels across the state according to the latest report from NSW Health, with local cases dropping below 1000 for […]
Special rates variation applications to IPART now open for comment
Armidale, Liverpool Plains, Tenterfield and Walcha councils have all applied to significantly increase their rates, and their applications are now up on the IPART website with residents invited to comment.
NSW Farmers brings Regional Debate to Armidale
NSW Farmers Regional Debate Series brings senior politicians to Armidale next Tuesday to debate regional issues ahead of the state election.
New hip and knee surgeon for Armidale
In amongst all the gloom of doctor shortages comes a ray of light in a new orthopaedic surgeon coming to practice in Armidale.
Changes to boundaries of Northern Tablelands and Tamworth for upcoming election
As the state election nears, residents in the Liverpool Plains and Walcha areas will be starting to realise they’re not in the same electorate anymore.
Explainer: Your rates increase and the role of IPART
A number of councils in our area are applying to IPART for an SRV that will increase your rates… but what is IPART, what do they do, and how can you have your say?