Former Tamworth Mayor and well-known businessman Warren Woodley has been remembered for his strong advocacy for the region and his lifetime of serving the community.

Lia Edwards
Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.
Parkes goes Blue Hawaii for annual Elvis Festival
Record crowds are expected to attend the 30th Parkes Elvis Festival, which begins tomorrow with a Blue Hawaii theme.
Covid testing for Chinese travellers introduced after hesitation
After initial hesitation, the Australian Government will introduce pre-departure testing for COVID-19 for people travelling to Australia from China.
Looking for love? Today’s a good day to start
If you’re looking for love in 2023, apparently today is the day to log on to internet dating sites, with January 1 traditionally the day most people sign up.
Voluntary-assisted dying now available in Queensland
Terminally ill Queenslanders are now able to ask for medically-assisted death after the state’s voluntary-assisted dying scheme came into effect at midnight.
Calls for national gun register renewed after Wieambilla Siege
National Cabinet will consider a national gun register and other reforms at their first meeting of 2023 following the Wieambilla Siege tragedy.
Covid 19 spike expected while government mulls reintroducing restrictions
The Australian Government is making no change to travel restrictions yet, as a post holiday spike in Covid-19 cases is widely expected across the country.
Joyce blames renewables for power prices
Federal member for New England Barnaby Joyce has again blamed renewable energy for high power prices and contributing to the high cost of living, despite the intensive investments in renewables throughout the New England area.
Albanese pledges support for Voice, Arts at Woodford Folk Festival
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has pledged to bring Australians together in 2023, pledging support for the arts and a referendum on the Voice by December, in a speech outlining his priorities at the Woodford Folk Festival in Moreton Bay.
Dumaresq Dam Recreation Area upgrade work awarded to Armidale Indigenous contractor
Local contractor JNC Group Indigenous Contractors Pty Ltd has secured the contract for the $3.9 million upgrade of the Dumaresq Dam Reserve Redevelopment Project.