A new Senate Committee will investigate the market power of the major supermarkets and their effect on the price of everyday groceries

Lia Edwards
Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.
Mail to only be delivered every second day in huge Australia Post shake up
Huge reforms to enable Australia Post to boost productivity and increase its focus on parcels have been announced that spell the end of the daily postie.
Werris Creek Intermodal upgrade approved
Liverpool Plains Shire Council has approved modifications to the Werris Creek intermodal facility operated by Crawford Freightlines.
Tamworth to proceed with Special Rate Variation
Tamworth Regional Council resolved to proceed with an application to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a permanent Special Rate Variation (SRV) of 36.3% over two years.
2023 Fleece to Fashion Awards stun at Deeargee
The 2023 Fleece to Fashion Awards gala dinner and presentation saw spectacular designs hit the runway at Deeargee on the weekend.
More local university study hubs on the way
Applications are open for community-owned organisations across the New England to apply for funding to establish and operate a Regional University Study Hub.
2023 New England Illustration Prize winners announced
The New England Writers’ Centre announced the winners of this year’s New England Illustration Prize for Children’s Picture Book Publishing earlier this week.
AFTN Heads to Gunnedah for Series Finale
The final two rounds of the Aussie Flat Track Nationals (AFTN) will be held at Gunnedah’s Balcary Park this weekend.
The Giant Koala is back at the Black Gully Festival this weekend
The five meter high Giant Koala and her baby that attended the Armidale Autumn Festival will be appearing again at the Black Gully Festival this year.
Government mulls future of APVMA; Joyce starts petition
Agriculture Minister Murray Watt says the Government will take the time to properly assess an evaluation into the Armidale based APVMA.