The completed new upper deck of the Ebor Falls visitor precinct was opened yesterday, more than four years after being destroyed by fire.

Lia Edwards
Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.
Concern or Criticism: New England residents weigh in on Barnaby Joyce
New England residents weigh in in Barnaby Joyce’s latest media splash.
Piano school coming to NECOM in April
Piano+ and the New England Conservatorium of Music are inviting piano lovers to participate in the inaugural Autumn Piano School this April.
Marshall fights Nowendoc Public School closure
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall is strongly objecting to a move to permanently close Nowendoc Public School
Tamworth Regional Gallery to display commemorative portrait of Aunty Yvonne
Christmas has come early with a new gift to the Tamworth Regional Gallery, with the permanent acquisition of the significant portrait of the late Elder Aunty Yvonne Kent.
Local students excel in HSC results
Students from our local schools including Calrossy, Farrer, and The Armidale School have achieved extraordinarily high results in this year’s HSC.
CareFlight brings free emergency trauma care training to NSW’s New England region
This weekend, CareFlight is hosting a unique trauma care community education workshop in Warialda.
Push to speed up REZ development approvals
The Clean Energy Investor Group has today released a report aimed at improving NSW planning approval processes so that renewable energy projects can be approved faster.
Last days to have your say on Rural GP recognition
Do you think rural generalist doctors should be recognised as being a separate specialty? You have until Tuesday to have your say.
Gunnedah tarmac upgrade complete
Work to upgrade the Gunnedah Airport tarmac has now been completed, allowing the airport to continue to be a service to the community and larger aircraft to land there.