Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Just a couple of short weeks into the 12 month trial of e-scooters a new safety campaign has been launched, penalties introduced for e-scooter offences, and an increase in ‘safety ambassadors’ ordered.

Beam and Armidale Regional Council have partnered to launch a new safety campaign across Armidale, ahead of the warmer weather, as part of a commitment to educate the Armidale community on the safest way to ride e-scooters. 

Reminding all riders that even the safest scooter requires a safer rider, and encouraging the Armidale community to join in the discussion around safer roads, the joint campaign will reiterate five key riding rules:

  • Wear your helmet;
  • Don’t use your phone while riding;
  • Don’t drink and ride;
  • Don’t share an e-scooter – one rider per vehicle
  • Park responsibly after use

Beam will be increasing its on-the-ground Safety Ambassadors through the campaign to enforce proper riding, educate riders on the riding rules in their city, and help new riders with their first trips.

Beam’s three strikes policy will be in place, with riders risking being barred from the app for repeated rule-breaking. 

Beam’s NSW Operations Manager Ned Dale says e-scooter riders using a city’s shared spaces well and being responsible not only for themselves but for others is a big contributor to micromobility integrating well into a city’s transportation system. 

“Through constant innovation and investment in bringing new technology such as footpath detection and other industry-firsts to our operational cities, we are consistently breaking new ground with e-scooter safety and enforcement. 

“However, every e-scooter requires an even safer rider, which is why we invest equally in our education programs. We know education is key to good rider behaviour and we take that commitment seriously.

“We see regular riders riding more frequently during the warmer months, with people discovering and riding e-scooters for the first time.

“We call on every rider to do their part and contribute to making the streets of Armidale a safe space for all.”

This campaign complements Beam’s flagship rider education and enforcement program Beam Safe Academy. It features a comprehensive in-app and in-person educational program, with every rider educated on the riding rules prior to commencing their first trip. 

A three strikes policy ensuring those doing the wrong thing are barred from the platform, with every Beam e-scooter having in-built technology to ensure the scooters are tracked and monitored. 

NSW Police also advised of a long list of infringements that can be given for improper use of the scooters, and have advised that you can be breath tested while on an e-scooter.

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