Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Move over Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Armidale has a new Breakfast Club dishing up community, connection, and coffee.

Founded by Armidale local, Jo Kendall, business owner of Jo Kendall Holistic Therapies, the group is aimed at bringing like-minded people together while supporting local business.

“Armidale has so many incredible women doing amazing things and I thought this would be a good way for us to connect and come together and share what we are doing and grow this beautiful community of ours,” she said.

As a proud advocate for community, Jo saw a gap in Armidale’s networking opportunities and is striving to fill it. Whether you are messy bun and trousers, or corporate heels and suits, this group is for everyone.

“There are a lot of business networking groups around, but I find them to be a little bit stuffy, and I wanted to create a more relaxed and genuine community, not a façade.”

“Where it’s not just about this is my business, this is what I do, but also be like this is my business but this is also the woman that I am,” Jo said.

“Business is hard, and business can be lonely, so this is breaking down those barriers and creating a community that is genuine and real and people can turn up as they are, the good, the bad, and the in between.”

The Breakfast Club is open to people of all ages, on different journeys but with the same mission – to surround themselves with successful, not always together, empowering people committed to lifting each other up.

“Many of us are woman working from home, or working for themselves, and we don’t have that workplace friendships, so we miss out on the lunchroom gossips, what is happening on the lastest TV shows, or working through a work problem.”

“The Breakfast Club bridges those gaps to form those friendships and bonds where you can discuss it all.”

“It isn’t only there to benefit your business and our community, but to help you as a woman, and you as a family.”

The club trialled the new group last year over four months, proving there is a need and want in the Armidale community.

“We did a Breakfast Club Cocktails at Christmas time, because so many of us work for ourselves and we don’t get Christmas parties because we don’t work for an organisation, so this is such a nice way for women like us to have our own Christmas party and have a drink and dress up and celebrate.”

The Breakfast Club in Armidale is just the start, with ambition not restricted to just one town or one café.

“I am looking to take this online for all regional women, being able to meet up at home with a coffee and breaking down those location barriers as well – so big plans.”

But for now, Armidale Breakfast Club is here, with monthly catch ups at a changing location, sharing the love and connections across Armidale’s hospitality industry.

“If you are small business, big business, thinking of starting a business, or you are in a leadership role and you want to connect with other women, please reach out. It is free to come along,” said Jo.

“We are very inclusive, and I want everyone to feel welcome.”

To stay up to date with meeting times and locations, follow the club on Instagram @thebreakfastclub.regional and be prepared to have fun.