Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Inverell has long been plagued by a shortage of doctors, but things are slowly turning around with one relocating from South Africa last year, and another newly arrived.

As is the case with many communities across the state, attracting Doctors has proven to be an incredibly difficult task. The Inverell Health Forum has been strenuously working on strategies aimed at delivering medical services that meet the ongoing needs of the residents of the Inverell Shire.

Through tenacity and dedication, two local practices have been successful in bringing new Doctors to Inverell.

Prior to the recent Inverell Health Forum meeting, Inverell Shire Council member representatives met with newly arrived GP, Dr Herman Kruger for an informal chat to express their gratitude for his joining the medical fraternity in Inverell and to gauge how he is settling in.

Dr Kruger, arrived in Inverell last December from South Africa, with his services secured by St Elmo Medical Practice through a stringent and arduous, but rewarding process.

“Inverell has been very welcoming and I look forward to meeting many other members of the community in the coming months,” Dr Kruger said.

Whilst not directly involved in his acquisition, Council has provided assistance with accommodation and transport related costs in accordance with their policy in the hope that Dr Kruger will remain in Inverell, to compliment the excellent medical practitioners already serving the community.

“It is a positive step for the community that we have finally been blessed with another doctor to assist in the medical requirements of the community,” Mayor Paul Harmon said.

“There has been an urgent need for extra medical professionals in the Shire and the arrival of Dr Kruger
provides hope for the community regarding the availability of medical services within the community.”

Council is also working to support another newly arrived doctor, and the Forum continues to advocate for assistance from the State Government.

Top image (Left to Right): Cr Stewart Berryman, Cr Wendy Wilks, Cr Jo Williams, Cr Kate Dight, Dr Herman Kruger, Mayor Cr Paul Harmon (supplied)

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