Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

The NSW Government has announced that 19 war memorials across the state are to receive NSW Government funding from Round 2 of the 2023/24 Community War Memorials Fund, and Bellata War Memorial will get a piece of the pie.

Bellata will receive $7,204.09 for conservation works to the Bellata War Memorial Hall, including repairs to sub-floor timberwork and external stairs, replacement of broken drainpipes and installation of drainage pipes.

Funding of $150,000 has been made available through the program for this round, with grants being awarded to the successful applicants for projects that will support war memorials in NSW communities.

The successful recipients came from 16 Local Government Areas with 13 electorates represented. The war memorials are located across the state, from Bombala in the far south, to Lake Cargelligo in the state’s west and McKees Hill in the far north.

Twenty-eight applications from 23 Local Government Areas were received for assessment during this round, which closed on 11 February.

Round 1 of the 2024/25 grant program is currently open and closes on 24 July 2024.

For more information visit

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