From Harleys to Hondas- almost 900 Ulysses Club members are rolling into Armidale on their motorbikes for the club’s national week-long rally, on now until 29 March.
Locals can expect to see an amazing collection of motorbikes in and around town during the event with a street parade being a main feature as well as a spectacular show and shine event.
The Ulysses Club is one of the largest socials clubs in Australia and consist of motorcycle enthusiasts over the age of 40.
“We welcome the members of the Ulysses to our wonderful region,” said Mayor Sam Coupland.
“It will be good to show off our city and beautiful surrounds to all the members and visitors. The members coming to the rally are from all areas of Australia as well as a few members from overseas.”
“We expect the township of Armidale to see members enjoying what the New England Region has on offer over the week-long event.”
Organisers claim the Armidale Rally was shaping up to be one of the best attended by Ulysses Club members in many years, with registration numbers exceeding expectations.
“We are really excited about bringing our National Rally and AGM to Armidale,” said Ulysses National President, Allan Pratt.
“All of the waterfalls will be giving a spectacular display, and we have many rides planned to showcase these and the other beautiful sights within the region.”
Previous rallies have seen large amounts of money injected into the local community, according to the organiser, with rally attendees purchasing supplies in the shops and supermarkets, enjoying meals in cafes and restaurants and staying in hotels and motels.
Approximately 462 members will be camping in tents and RVs at Armidale Showground. Plenty of visitors have already been noticed at Armidale’s many take away food outlets and restaurants, as well as wandering around and enjoying all that Armidale has to offer.
“We are hoping that the townsfolk of Armidale and surrounds will be in the city, lining the streets to cheer on the riders on the 29th of March,” said Allan Pratt.
“We hope that they come to watch the grand parade of motorbikes from the UNE to the RAMs grounds, where we will take part in a civic welcome. All are invited to come and speak with the participants and find out more about the Ulysses Club.”
All the fundraising at the event will be used to support the Ulysses Club Arthritis Research Fund.
Rheumatoid arthritis research has been the preferred charity of the Ulysses Club since 1997 when founding member, the late Stephen Dearnley OAM proposed the initiative. The impetus for the funding support was the sad death a year earlier of Stephen’s wife Jo who had lost a 20-year battle with the insidious disease.
The club has generously and proudly sponsored many scientific researchers since 1997 with strong support of the 120 plus branches. The UCARF Charter and agreement with the universities ensures that 100 per cent of donations are directed to the scientific researchers in the form of sponsorships.
The group is currently supporting researchers at the Rheumatology Group at Monash University, Sutton Arthritis Research at the Kolling Institute, Sydney University and a Ph D Top Up Scholarship at the University of Queensland.
“The research is making significant gains in rheumatoid arthritis treatment and cure fields and their research is also providing benefits into other inflammatory diseases, such as lupus and blood cancers,” said Allan Pratt.
Show and Shine
Ulysses Club Show and Shine will take place in the Beardy Street Mall on Thursday, 27 March. Bikes will be parked in the Central and West Mall, with road closures from 12pm, including Dangar Street from Rusden to Moore Streets and Beardy Street West to Jessie Street.
The event will run from 3.30pm – 8.30pm and will allow the public an opportunity to view more than 200 bikes expected to be on display.
A range of motorcycles including modern and Vintage Harley Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Velocette, Vincent will be on display during this free community event.
Ulysses Club Grand Parade
The ride will leave Bellevue Park at UNE at 9am on Saturday under police escort, to arrive at Rugby League Park at approx. 9.45 – 10am.
350-400 bikes are expected, and locals are encouraged to come and watch the parade.
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