Posted inTamworth

Subsidy encourages local students to visit parliament

Photo supplied by Kevin Anderson.

Primary and secondary schools in the Tamworth electorate have been invited to take part in the NSW Parliament Schools Outreach program which offers students the opportunity to learn more about the workings of the NSW Parliament.

Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson says a new $300 travel subsidy is now available for schools in the Tamworth electorate, helping cut the cost of travelling to Sydney.

“A visit to Parliament can be one of the most valuable and enlightening experiences for school students, giving them an opportunity to learn more about how laws are made and how democracy works,” Mr Anderson said.

“The staff at the NSW Parliament work hard to offer a range of educational programs for schools and I often see school groups from across NSW touring the halls of parliament.

“Distance has always been a significant barrier to schools in the Tamworth electorate, and I am pleased that there is now a $300 subsidy available to local schools, helping cut the cost of travel to Sydney.

“I have already written to schools across our electorate updating them on the new subsidy, and I look forward to seeing a number of local schools making the trip to parliament this year.”

The NSW Parliament offers a range of programs to engage students with the workings of Parliament including guided tourslegal studies workshopsonline programs for primary students, and programs for secondary school leaders.

More information regarding the School Tour Travel Subsidy, as well as the range of program offered by the NSW Parliament is available on the NSW Parliament Parliamentary Education and Engagement website.

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