Posted inArmidale, Health

$6 million for new key health worker accommodation in Armidale

Minister for Regional Health, Ryan Park

The Armidale community is set to benefit from a $6 million investment into a new Key Worker Accommodation program which will help attract, recruit and retain more healthcare workers to the region.

“It not only addresses the housing shortage but will strengthen our local healthcare services, enhancing the well-being of residents in Armidale and surrounding communities.” said Northern Tablelands, Peter Primrose MLC.

The investment is part of a $200.1 million program supporting more than 20 projects across rural, regional and remote NSW.

The funding will secure approximately 120 dwellings across regional NSW, which includes the building of new accommodation, refurbishment of existing living quarters and the purchase of suitable properties such as residential units.

“Strengthening our regional health workforce is a key priority for our government and this $6 million investment in accommodation will support attraction of key healthcare workers to Armidale.” Said Ryan Park, Minister for Regional Health.

“The Key Health Worker Accommodation Program will support Hunter New England Local Health District in continuing to provide high-quality health services to the community.”

The four-year Program will support the recruitment and retention of more than 500 health workers and their families by providing a range of accommodation options.

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