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Don’t forget the asthma plan as you get ready to go back to school

As or kids return to school, Asthma Australia is urging parents to update their child’s Asthma Action Plan. Just like packing a school hat, this simple step helps ensure your child’s asthma is well-managed and helps teachers, coaches, and caregivers know exactly what to do if a flare-up occurs.

Asthma is a serious and common chronic disease, affecting around 386,000 children in Australia—about two per classroom. It is the leading cause of disease burden in children under 15, with four in 10 missing school each year due to asthma. In 2021-22, 26,500 children required Emergency Department care for asthma.

And the condition is more common in the New England than elsewhere. Every LGA in the New England except Moree has higher than the nation average asthma prevalence rates amongst children under 14 according to the 2021 census:

  • Armidale 7.3%
  • Glen Innes Severn 8.8%
  • Gunnedah 8.4%
  • Gwydir 8.3%
  • Inverell 7.8%
  • Liverpool Plains 7.8%
  • Moree 6.0%
  • Narrabri 10.6% 
  • Tamworth 9.9%
  • Tenterfield 7.3%
  • Uralla 8.6%
  • Walcha 7.6%

Given the time children spend at school, managing asthma effectively is critical. Asthma Action Plans help manage asthma and prevent exacerbations, yet only two thirds of children have one. Every child with asthma needs an Action Plan to stay healthy and reduce the burden on families and communities.

“Sending your child back to school without an updated written Asthma Action Plan is just like sending them to play in the sun without a hat on. They are exposed,” Kate Miranda, CEO of Asthma Australia said.

“It’s one of those small but important steps to keep them protected—whether it’s from the sun’s rays or unexpected asthma flare-ups.”

“The asthma burden on kids is significant. Forty-two per cent of Australians aged 0–14 with asthma had to take time off school in 2014/15 due to their asthma. About 26,500 children under 15 visited an ED for asthma in 2021/22. Making sure that our kids start the school year on the front foot is clearly important.

“So, as you tick off the back-to-school checklist—hats, uniforms, lunchboxes—add an asthma refresh to the mix and book an appointment with your child’s doctor to update their Asthma Action Plan today.”

Why every child needs an Asthma Action Plan

An Asthma Action Plan is a personalised guide created by your doctor to manage your child’s asthma. It’s like an instruction manual for asthma that outlines how to handle flare-ups, monitor symptoms, and provide appropriate treatment. Regardless of how mild your child’s asthma may seem, everyone with asthma should have one.

“The goal of the Asthma Action Plan is to prevent and control asthma symptoms. Even if you know what to do when your child’s asthma flares up, it’s invaluable to have clear, written instructions from your doctor, especially in an emergency situation,” Miranda explained.

The plan covers four key areas:

  1. How to look after your child’s asthma daily: Instructions for everyday asthma management.
  2. What to do if asthma starts to flare up: Steps to take if symptoms worsen.
  3. What to do if asthma becomes severe: Emergency actions if the flare-up becomes serious.
  4. What to do in an asthma emergency: Instructions for life-threatening asthma attacks.

Asthma Australia offers both colour and black-and-white versions of the Asthma Action Plan, suitable for both children and adults, and accepted by schools and childcare facilities across Australia.

Asthma Australia’s back-to-school checklist

To help ensure your child’s asthma is well-managed as they return to school, Asthma Australia has created a checklist for parents. Steps include booking an asthma review, updating your child’s Asthma Action Plan, checking and updating medicines, and connecting with the school.

For more information: Visit Asthma Australia’s website to download an Asthma Action Plan template and access additional resources for managing asthma.

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Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.