Posted inTamworth Regional

More free family fun days this summer

Fancy a cool-off this summer? Council has added additional free family fun days to the calendar for Barraba, Manilla, Kootingal and Nundle.

Prior to Christmas, Council announced a number of free family fun days and is pleased to add Wednesday 15 January, Sunday 19 January and Sunday 2 February to the previously announced dates for the areas outside of Tamworth. 

Tamworth Region Deputy Mayor Jeff Budd has been passionate about Council providing these days for the community.

“I am very pleased that Council will be able to provide extra opportunities for the community to visit their local pool for free. We have some wonderful facilities across the region, so removing the cost barrier for more days is a great outcome” he said.

Overall, Barraba, Manilla, Kootingal and Nundle will have free entry for their family fun days during their usual pool hours on:

  • Saturday 11 January
  • Wednesday 15 January
  • Sunday 19 January
  • Sunday 2 February

As in past years, free entry will also be available to these pools on Sunday 26 January for Australia Day.

With these additional dates added, Council has currently organised an extra 20 free entry days across the region, this summer. This includes Barraba, Manilla, Kootingal, Nundle and Tamworth having four opportunities each.

The South West Tamworth War Memorial Pool will have a free Youth Day in conjunction with the Tamworth Youthie on Tuesday 14 January and Tamworth City Pool will have a free family fun day on Sunday 19 January.

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