Posted inFire, Uralla Shire

Local RFS prepare for hot and windy weather ahead

Backburning operations were underway today on the Box Forest Road fire, approximately 8km north west of Kingstown, as local fire fighting crews hope to strengthen containment lines ahead of forecast strong westerly winds and high temperatures predicted over coming days.

Residents in the area of Kingston, including in the vicinity of Torryburn, may have noticed an increase in smoke, however, NSW RFS say there is no immediate danger to properties.

The Box Forest Road fire is currently on an advice alert level and is under control, despite burning 432 hectares.

This is just one of 20 bushfires currently being monitored by NSW RFS.

Stay up-to-date with the latest information from the Hazards Near Me App and the #RFS website:

Fires burning across the state

While the New England RFS crews have been kept busy, so has the state’s resources.

There are currently 40 fires burning across NSW, with nine yet to be contained.

More than 500 firefighters have been working hard with the support of waterbombing aircraft and heavy machinery across the state to strengthen containment lines and slow the spread of fires.

Thunderstorms and hot weather are forecasted for the coming days, prompting the message for landowners and residents to remain vigilant for any new fire ignitions.

If you see an unattended fire, please report it to Triple Zero (000) immediately.

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Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.