Posted inRecreation, Tamworth

Free pool access for kids trial for cost of living relief

Tamworth Regional Council has announced it will trial free access to pools in the region in a bid to make swimming more accessible and ease the burden on families during the cost of living crisis.

At the start of what’s shaping up to be a very warm summer, Councillors this week endorsed a motion put forward by Cr. Jeff Budd, who said that “access to and cost of access is a big issue” with regards to swimming in the pools.

“We have six regional pools in our area,” Cr Budd said.

“My experience has been that access to and cost of access to these facilities is a big issue within our region, particularly for our towns and villages.

Cr Budd said that he and other councillors had been discussing the feasibility of free access over summer with staff members at the pools, and that the pool staff were “enthusiastic about promoting and increasing usage” of the pools.

Dates for the trial have not been set, but it was proposed that five pools would be part of the trial, with only a pool in the proposed five being open for free at a time.

It has not yet been determined which pool would miss out.

Pool staff were “very keen at targeting families and youth”, and that community groups could come forward to participate and run things like facepainting and sausage sizzles on the day, and that it would provide opportunity to people to have birthday parties, and family gatherings.

Cr Matt Sharpham stated that with the current cost of living crisis, and family season tickets to the pool costing $370, it was a great chance to make pools more accessible.

“I think that was a great notice of motion,” Mayor Russell Webb said at a press conference.

“I don’t think there was a single person in the room that didn’t find that a great idea.”

Support for the motion was unanimous across the Councillors, Mayor Webb said.

Cr Budd acknowledged that the loss of income from entrance fee would be made up for with the increase in kiosk sales and may even make the trial cost-neutral, but believes that any financial cost would be more than offset by the gains in social capital and community engagement.

Any shortfall could be made up from the general fund “if required”.

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Senior correspondent and Editor of New England Times