Posted inTamworth Regional

TFSS embraces growth with a new name change

Tamworth Family Support Services (TFSS) is expanding their reach and in doing so, they are expanding their brand under a new name, Sora Community Services.

Sora CEO, Belinda Kotris, says the change of name better reflects the larger geographic reach of the organisation as well as the variety in their funded programs.

“While the decision was a difficult one, we look forward to the opportunities a new name may bring” said Kotris.

“We’ve certainly expanded beyond just Tamworth where we originally started, and the services that we deliver are much greater than just family support.”

“Whilst our name is changing, our services, contact numbers and locations will not.”

Kotris hopes the name change will eliminate confusion and strengthen community engagement.

“It does open up opportunities for us to move beyond the New England and Northwest, and build in the locations we currently operate in.”

Where does Sora come from?

The name Sora is inspired by the sky, symbolising the vast open spaces of our region, often called ‘Big Sky Country’.

The new logo features a star, representing integrity and a guiding light. Together, these elements reflect limitless possibilities and our commitment to providing quality support and care for individuals, families, and our wider community.

As TFSS grows to become Sora Community Services, we invite you to join us on our journey. Embracing this new chapter, we remain dedicated to being a guiding light, ensuring that the sky is the limit for our community and all the individuals within it.

The organisation is currently in a transition period using dual branding to utilise cost and resources.

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Kate is a proud mum of two with a wealth of journalism, media and communications experience across the New England and its surrounding regions. She raises guide dogs in her spare time, loves a good chat...