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Crime the focus on Tamworth small business event this Tuesday

As crime continues to impact local businesses, Tamworth Business Chamber and Centrepoint Tamworth invite business owners and operators to a Crime Prevention Breakfast on Tuesday, 29 October 2024, at the Tamworth Jockey Club.

“Crime, whether it be burglary, robbery, vandalism, shoplifting, employee theft, or fraud, costs small to medium size business in Australia over $170 million annually,” said Martin Hawes, Chamber Treasurer and Centre Manager for Centrepoint Tamworth.

“Beyond the financial losses, crime has a significant psychological impact on business owners and staff, affecting morale and confidence.

“The cost goes beyond replacing stolen goods or damaged property – businesses face thousands of dollars in repair bills, higher insurance premiums, and lost turnover when forced to temporarily close their doors.

Keen to work collaboratively with the local business community, the Oxley Police Crime Prevention Unit will present an overview of recent crime trends affecting the Tamworth region and offer key insights into the current challenges facing local businesses. Their presentation will provide practical advice on crime prevention and outline proactive measures that businesses can adopt to reduce risk.

Importantly, attendees will have the opportunity to raise concerns, ask questions about pressing crime-related issues, and engage in meaningful discussions with law enforcement and peers.

Jye Segboer from Central Hospitality Group believes it is incumbent of any local business that has been impacted by crime or is concerned about antisocial behaviour in or around their business, to join the conversation and become part of the solution.

“As a business community, this is our chance to be heard and take part in shaping a safer future for the entire business community.

“Unfortunately, anecdotal stories will not bring about the change that we need, nor will posting incidents on Facebook without formal reporting to police.

“We need businesses to engage directly and become part of the solution. This breakfast provides the platform to ask questions, share experiences, and work together for positive change”, said Mr Segboer.

The event forms part of Tamworth Business Chamber’s Small Business Month program. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased via Chamber’s website –

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