Posted inGeneral News

Updated: Two people die in crash near Mungindi

The bodies of two young people have been pulled from a submerged SUV in the north west corner of the New England.

Emergency services were called to Carwal Creek Bridge, south of Mungindi, after a SUV left Morialta Road after 1.15am (Sunday 15 September 2024), crashed down an embankment and landed in the creek becoming submerged.

The area has had significant rain recently with a number of unsealed roads in the area impassable due to the wet conditions.

Friends travelling in another vehicle noticed the SUV was no longer following and returned to find the crash scene. They were joined by a local property owner and helped a woman, believed to be in her 20s, out of the vehicle.

Despite efforts of the rescuer, he was unable to release the remaining occupants, believed to be a man and a second woman.

The injured woman has been airlifted to John Hunter Hospital in a serious but stable condition.

Officers attached to New England Police District attended, alongside Police Divers, NSW Ambulance, and members of Mungindi RFS.

The pair are yet to be formally identified.

Crash Investigators have commenced inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the crash.

A report will be prepared for the Coroner.