Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Rivalling Armidale for the most hotly contested council, 38 candidates are competing for the nine seats in Narrabri, and in stark contrast to neighbouring Moree, very few women are on the ballot. With one of two current female councillors and the youngest person on Council, Lisa Richardson, not on the ballot after having an unexpected baby last year, and the other, Catherine Redding, ungrouped, it will be up to the voters to ensure the Narrabri Shire Council has some diversity.

See the NSW Electoral Commission’s website for where and how to vote information.

See our story on this race

ROBERTS-GARNSEY Joshua – no information provided
ALEXANDERSON Emma – no information provided
BOEHM Rohan* – no information provided
DUFFEY Ian – no information provided
BROWNING Robert* – no information provided
Group B – Darrell Tiemens
TIEMENS Darrell* – no information provided
BROWN Amanda – no information provided
STRAHLE Mark – no information provided
HARVEY Peter – no information provided
KIRKBY Karen – no information provided
Group C – Gregory Lamont
LAMONT Gregory – no information provided
DUNCAN James (Jock) – no information provided
WILSON Jennifer – no information provided
BINGE Marilyn – no information provided
CARRIGAN John – no information provided
Group D – Ethan Towns
TOWNS Ethan – no information provided
DEWSON Andrew – no information provided
WHITTON Roxanne – no information provided
WHILLAS Ryan – no information provided
MELTON Bernadette – no information provided
Group E – Ian Passmore
PASSMORE Ian – no information provided
BENNETT Lloyd – no information provided
OUDENRYN Damian – no information provided
CRUTCHER Mark – no information provided
FERGUSON Kent – no information provided
Group F – Brett Nolan
NOLAN Brett – no information provided
JANSSON Jocellin – no information provided
NOTT Matthew – no information provided
STANFORD Kodey – no information provided
DENNISS Kat – no information provided
Ungrouped Candidates
STOLTENBERG Glen – no information provided
DICKINSON Brett* – no information provided
GUEST Peter – no information provided
I’m a 52 year old small business owner in Narrabri. I’ve been a volunteer in the various communities I have lived in with the RFS for 33 years. Unlike Independent Candidates on tickets I stand alone as a true independent candidate.

Most important issue
Preparedness for flood and fires. Keeping Council staff to reduce down time from staff training particularly at the General Manager level. Ensuring Council’s statutory and regulatory requirements are met.

Vote for me because…
If you want a true independent candidate who will look at the merits of each issue, then place a 1 next to my name below the line. If not, feel free to exercise your democratic right and vote for someone else. It’s your choice, make it count.
FLOWER Ken – no information provided
REDDING Catherine* – no information provided
ERATHNAGE Navin – no information provided
ARMSTRONG Colin – no information provided

See all our coverage for the Local Government elections 2024. Candidates can submit information here and we’ll get it up when we can.