Posted inLiverpool Plains Shire, Local Government Elections 2024

Liverpool Plains Shire Council Candidates

A healthy field of twelve candidates for the seven seat council, but only one retirement from Cr Moules means there is unlikely to be significant change to LPSC.

That said, there are two younger candidates drawing some attention. Civil infrastructure professional and former council staffer Charlie Simkin from Quirindi is 36, and at just 30 years of age, Ebony Sandler-Small of Wallabadah is possibly the youngest candidate in the region – and turning some heads. Either would be a welcome contrast to existing members of LPSC.

All candidates are shown in the order they will appear on the ballot. Candidate biographies are only included from those candidates who have supplied them.

See the NSW Electoral Commission’s website for where and how to vote information.

EYKAMP Lynn – no information provided
ROBERTSON James – no information provided
SIMKIN Charlie – no information provided
COHEN Terry* – no information provided
HAWKINS Doug* – no information provided
SADLER-SMALL Ebonie – no information provided
CAIN Shawn – no information provided
LAWSON Donna* – no information provided
MACZI Theodore – no information provided
CUDMORE Kenneth* – no information provided
WYNNE Yvonne – no information provided
ALLAN Jason* – no information provided

See all our coverage for the Local Government elections 2024. Candidates can submit information here and we’ll get it up when we can.

Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.