Posted inFundraiser, Glen Innes

Shimmy your way for local support

It is often a frustration for New Englanders that when we donate to various causes, those donations get taken elsewhere while locals in need go without.

Giving local products to local people in need is what Glen Innes’ new community group, Shimmy 2 Support Inc, is all about and they are ready to launch this Friday.

Shimmy 2 Support is a local group, run by local dancers, raising funds in Glen Innes to stay in Glen Innes, and support service groups who work with victim survivors of domestic violence and family abuse.

“We are having a launch event so that we can let people in the Glen Innes community know who we are and why we created the association, and what we intend to do, which essentially is to provide what support we can to the existing support services in town.” said Helen Tucker, President, Shimmy 2 Support.

“We have donated crisis bags before but those bags don’t necessarily stay in our community and they don’t necessarily meet the needs of the local people,

“So we decided what we would do is offer a similar service here in the form of a crisis bag containing some basic toiletry items.”

Thes crisis bags hold emergency supplies of personal care products for everyone of all ages.

“The crisis bags are going to contain shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, some of them will also contain sanitary products for women, and some of them will also contain incontinence products for men or women.”

You can take your first look at them this Friday, 6th September from 4pm at the Glen Innes Services Club as Shimmy 2 Support goes live with their official launch party.

“At our launch, we will provide information about our aims and objectives and also have limited numbers of our Crisis Bags for service organisations to take away for immediate distribution.” Said Helen.

“This will also be a networking opportunity for us to try and put across our message and inform people about what it is that we’re doing.”

If you would like to attend the launch or make a donation you can email or text or call Helen on 0434 518 951.

Kate is a proud mum of two with a wealth of journalism, media and communications experience across the New England and its surrounding regions. She raises guide dogs in her spare time, loves a good chat...